Well-being is well doing. The United Nations Rights on the Convention of the Child (CRC) and the United Nations Development Program Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target youth health, safety, participation and empowerment as key driver’s of living in a social justice context. Health and social services are two streams of resources to at-risk youth and vulnerable caregivers to promote resilience – positive adaptation and development - in adverse contexts. Child maltreatment statistics highlight the critical role of the social safety net. A policy-service gap exists for youth involved in the Child Protective Services (CPS) system. For these youth, violence prevention and personal safety remains a key component of resilience. This practical strategies paper considers youth resilience issues the context of maltreatment. Innovation in adolescent protection is an opportunity for health and social service systems to support resilience, continuity of care and violence prevention. Strategies include transition services for the switch from child to adult services, prevention programming that support mediating the environment, targeting CPS expectant teens for established maltreatment prevention programming, and system changes that recognize the emerging adulthood developmental period.