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Author Guidelines

The International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience (IJCAR) publishes peer-reviewed original articles, brief reports, reviews, theoretical papers, papers summarizing interventions, and commentaries on all aspects of child and adolescent resilience. IJCAR is a platform for high-quality, relevant research for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to support knowledge mobilization and exchange, understanding of complex childhood and adolescent issues, and inform decisions to promote health, well-being, and resilience.

Manuscripts will be considered for publication with the understanding that the work has not already been reported in a published paper or accepted for publication elsewhere in print or in electronic media. Manuscripts should not be under consideration for publication with another journal at the time of submission.

All original contributions are reviewed by the co-editors and sent to two or more external reviewers as part of a double-blind peer review process. The co-editors reserve the right to make editorial changes to all content published in the Journal.

Our style requirements follow those of the American Psychological Association. Submissions should be prepared according to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).


1. Original Research Articles

Original research articles include detailed quantitative or qualitative studies reporting original research data.

Maximum word length: 5,000 words, excluding the abstract, tables/figures and references.

Structured abstract (250 words) should be submitted with the following headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Implications.

Maximum combined number of tables and figures: 5.

2. Brief Reports

Brief reports are appropriate for pilot studies or uncontrolled trials of an intervention, preliminary data on a new issue, or methodologically oriented papers that replicate findings in new populations or report preliminary data on new instruments.

Maximum word length: 3,000 words, excluding the abstract, tables/figures and references.

Abstract: 200 words.

Maximum combined number of tables and figures:

3. Reviews

Review articles aim to provide a synthesis and critical analysis of existing published literature, through summary and analysis, and to identify gaps in the current literature and provide recommendations for future studies. Sytematic reviews and meta-analyses will be favored over other types of reviews (e.g. scoping review).

Maximum word length: 7,000 words, excluding the abstract, tables/figures and references.

Abstract: 250 words.

Maximum combined number of tables and figures: 5.

4. Theoretical Papers

Theoretical papers should aim to propose a conceptual framework, new theory or revisions of established theoretical models relevant to our understanding of resilience or closely related issues. These papers will be considered for publication if their unique contribution in relation to previous theoretical models is well laid out.

Maximum word length: 7,000 words, excluding the abstract, tables/figures and references.

Abstract: 250 words.

Maximum combined number of tables and figures: 5.

5. Clinical Interventions

Clinical interventions papers offer a description of innovative intervention or prevention approaches that aim to promote resilience. These articles should integrate clinical case studies that illustrate the intervention, or preliminary evaluative findings.

Maximum word length: 5,000 words, excluding the abstract, tables/figures and references.

Abstract: 250 words.

Maximum combined number of tables and figures: 5.

6. Commentaries

Commentaries involve responses to previously published articles or, occasionally, invited essays on a professional or scientific topic of general interest to the study of resilience. Plans for proposed commentaries are invited to first submit a draft outline to the Editor-in-Chief.

Maximum word length: 1,500 words, excluding the abstract and references.

Abstract: 200 words.



For submission, go to and either register as an IJCAR author or login with your user name and password.

To ensure the integrity of the blind peer review for submissions to the journal, please ensure that all identifying information is removed from the manuscript (i.e., authors/affiliations, header/footer, properties, and acknowledgements section). Please verify that the authors of the document have deleted their names from the text.

To remove author identification when using Microsoft Office documents, go to "File" in Word and click on the following: File > Save As > Tools (or "Options" if using a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from the file properties on save > Save. For further information, click here.

To remove author identification when using PDFs, the authors' names should also be removed from Document Properties found under "File" on Adobe Acrobat's main menu. For further information, click here.

The manuscript must be double-spaced and pages and lines must be numbered consecutively starting at “1”, including the abstract, text, references, tables and figures. For sample papers written in APA 7th edition style, follow this link.

The manuscript and title page must be submitted in Word format.

Cover letter

Each submission must be accompanied by a cover letter. The letter must include the following:

  • Name of the journal’s Editor-in-Chief;
  • Title of the manuscript;
  • Name of the journal to which you are submitting the manuscript;
  • Statement that your manuscript has not been published previously and is not under review by another journal at the time of submission;
  • Brief description of the research you report in the manuscript, its importance for the advancement of knowledge and its relevance to the readers of the journal;
  • Three names of potential reviewers for the review of the manuscript. They must be researchers with a specialization in the field of resilience with children and adolescents and who are affiliated with an officially recognized university;
  • Contact information for all authors;
  • Confirmation that you have no conflict of interest to disclose.

Title page blinded for review

The title page of the blinded version of the submission should include:

  1. Type of submission;
  2. Full title;
  3. Short running title of no more than 50 characters including letters and spaces;
  4. Word count of abstract;
  5. Word count of body of the text (i.e., not including references, tables, figures);
  6. Number of tables and figures;
  7. Keywords (maximum of 5).

Title page with author identifiers

Please also provide a separate title page with author identifiers. In addition to the above information, this should include:

  1. First and last name of each author, with highest academic degree(s), and the name(s) of department(s) and institutions to which the work should be attributed;
  2. Name, address, telephone number and email address of the author responsible for correspondence;
  3. Any necessary acknowledgements of sources of support: funding sources and their roles in the manuscript preparation/submission or other sources of support must be disclosed.


Provide a structured abstract. It will be requested as a separate text that can be copy-pasted during the submission process.


For original research papers, reviews or brief reports: divide the text into sections headed Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Implications.

Approval should be obtained from a recognized ethics approval board for studies involving human subjects. This approval should be indicated in the Methods section.


Le style de référence est basé sur le style APA, 7e édition. Voir la FAQ et les exemples de l’APA pour chaque type de référence ici.

The style for references is based on APA style, 7th edition. See APA style FAQs and examples for each type of reference here.


Tables should be double-spaced and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals, and included in the original blinded Word document without identifiers. Supply a brief title for each table. See APA style format when preparing your tables. 


In the original submission for blinded peer review, figures should be included within the submitted manuscript using a Microsoft Office suite format (Word, Excel or PowerPoint).

Number figures consecutively in Arabic numerals and supply a brief title for each. See APA style format when preparing your figures. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.