Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with an increase in psychological distress among pregnant women. The aim of this article is to evaluate the acceptability of the STEP-COVID program (Supporting Transition and Engagement in Parenthood in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic), an online, synchronous prenatal group intervention designed to support well-being, mentalization and resilience.
Method: Twenty-one pregnant women, from Quebec, participated in the program and completed measures of psychological symptoms and mentalization before and after the intervention, as well as a scale assessing their perception of changes in domains associated with resilience. After each session, they completed a questionnaire assessing their appreciation of the program.
Results: The 18 participants (86%) who completed the program reported high levels of satisfaction after each session and at the end of the intervention. A reduction in anxiety-depressive symptoms and post-traumatic stress symptoms, and an improvement in reflexive functions were observed between the beginning and end of the program. Participants also reported positive changes in spheres of functioning associated with resilience.
Conclusion: The results support the acceptability of the STEP-COVID program and suggest that offering a brief online group intervention is appreciated by participants, which appears to promote a reduction in psychological distress and an improvement in mentalizing, and may contribute to resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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