Objectives: Sexual violence remains a societal problem affecting all social groups, including children. In this case, this study evaluates a training program for the prevention of sexual violence among young children in Indigenous communities. The study aims to document the effects of the training in the Lanterne|Awacic Program, and to identify the barriers and facilitators specific to this type of training. Method: Conducted with 42 participants, this mixed-method evaluative study utilized three types of data collection: questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups. Results: Positive effects of the training were observed in the very short-term (i.e., increased knowledge and beliefs). The results are more mixed regarding its effect on the medium-term use of the tools (i.e., low utilization of the tools). The results also highlight the importance of the cultural safety process in projects conducted in Indigenous communities, the need to involve the local population in the project, and the participants’ appreciation of the Lanterne|Awacic Program training. Implications: The training equips professionals working with preschool children to intervene in the prevention of sexual violence. However, the results suggest that a refresher training could have helped maintain the effects in the long-term. Overall, the results indicate the relevance of continuing prevention efforts in Indigenous communities.
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