Borderline Personality Features and Basic Psychological Needs during Adolescence


Borderline personality features
basic psychological needs
self-determination theory
developmental psychopathology

How to Cite

Armour J.-A., JoussemetM., VarinR., Cavenaghi A., Lelievre-BlaisS., & Mageau G. A. (2024). Borderline Personality Features and Basic Psychological Needs during Adolescence. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 11(1).


Objectives: Anchored in self-determination theory, this study investigates the associations between borderline personality disorder (BPD) features and basic psychological need frustration (BPNF) in adolescents.

Methods: Participants (N = 270; M age = 15.3) assessed their own BPD features and BPNF through an online questionnaire.

Results: Regression analyses revealed that frustrations of relatedness, autonomy, and competence were jointly and uniquely associated with more BPD features in adolescents, controlling for their gender and parents’ education.

Implications: These results suggest the importance of taking BPNF into account to better understand the early signs of BPD among adolescents.


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