Développer la résilience chez les jeunes trans et non binaires : un modèle basé sur l’éthique de la reconnaissance d’Axel Honneth
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transgender, youth, oppression, resilience, transaffirmative, Honneth

How to Cite

MedicoD. (2021). Développer la résilience chez les jeunes trans et non binaires : un modèle basé sur l’éthique de la reconnaissance d’Axel Honneth. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 8(1), 31-47. https://doi.org/10.7202/1082073ar


Our objective is to contribute to the foundation of the theoretical and empirical bases of trans-affirmative approaches for transgender and non-binary youth. We propose a model whose theoretical foundations are rooted in Axel Honneth’s ethics of recognition, and whose means and intervention tools are developed from the writings on resilience factors in this specific population. Research over the past 10 years has shown that the oppressions transgender and non-binary youth experience throughout their development have a detrimental impact on their mental health. The question facing practitioners today is therefore how to promote resilience. To address this, we propose four levels of intervention based on Axel Honneth’s levels of social recognition and work on intersubjectivity in psychology: subjective, intersubjective, community, and legal. Based on these levels, trans-affirmative approaches develop interventions aimed at promoting: 1) an embodied and positive sense of self through identity construction and overcoming the aftermath of transphobia; 2) self-confidence through validating interpersonal relationships; 3) self-esteem through pride in being trans and community involvement; and 4) self-respect through the possibility of living in the desired gender with safety and equity.

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Bibliographie résilience – recension des écrits, articles de synthèse et éditoriaux

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Bibliographie résilience sans arbitrage : ouvrages, chapitres et rapports de recherche

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