Comment soutenir la résilience des jeunes en transition vers l'âge adulte qui ont un parent atteint d'un trouble mental ? Ce qu'en pensent les jeunes concernés
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VillatteA., PichéG., & HabibR. (2021). Comment soutenir la résilience des jeunes en transition vers l’âge adulte qui ont un parent atteint d’un trouble mental ? Ce qu’en pensent les jeunes concernés. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 8(1), 62-79.


Objectives: This study aimed to: a) clarify the experiences of youth with a parent affected by a mental disorder during their transition to adulthood, highlighting both the challenges they encounter and the protective factors that help them cope with these challenges; and b) identify potential solutions to support the resilience of youth with a parent affected by a mental disorder transitioning to adulthood. Method: Data was collected during Photovoice workshops conducted with nine participants (average age: 22.5 years old). In the Spring 2019, five meetings of two hours each were conducted to provide youth with the opportunities to discuss the photographs. The content analysis of the transcribed data was carried out in collaboration with the participants. Results: Having a parent with a mental disorder brings its share of challenges during the transition to adulthood, particularly influencing youths’ autonomy, identity formation, and their academic or professional pats. A number of individual, relational, and contextual resources were identified by the participants as factors that help them cope with these challenges. Potential solutions involving various sectors (e.g., education, community, health, and social services) are proposed to support the transition to adulthood youth with a parent affected by a mental disorder. Implications: Practical recommendations are formulated based on the youths’ proposed solutions, as well as the best practices identified in the literature.
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